Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I don't remember how I first began reading Brian Battjer's photo-blog, but I read about five years of his entries in one weekend, and I've never looked back. He lives his life like I'd like to live mine, but there are several important differences between him and me: 1) I age. Seriously, folks, he's a man-boy reminiscent of Robin Williams in Jack. 2) I don't know or hang out around many authors, models, or record label owners. I've heard the application process to be one of his friends is brutal. And 3) His friends don't seem to mind that he is constantly snapping photos of their lives. Mine tend to snarl and not speak to me for a few days when I try the same.

Not just the big moments, but everything. Bad days and good, Battjer is constantly taking pictures. Here, he scares his friend, Grant, several times. I nearly lose it watching the last one: